KBS - Know Bit of Somethings

With the changing times fast and good, modern educators face the important task of creating inclusive education environments where all students can thrive. The teaching profession demands dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to student growth. This article explores how teachers build character, empower students, create lasting impact through knowledge sharing, and navigate both challenges and rewards in their vital role.

Is there truly an "art of reading"? Isn't reading a practical skill, mastered in early education? If you know the words and can make sense of the sentences, what more is there to it? To answer these questions, we must delve into the history and science of reading, and explore the nuances between everyday reading and artful reading.


The Art of Reading: A Deeper Dive

Beyond Metrics: The Role of Values and Goals in Success

The Secret Ingredient to Success: More Than Metrics While metrics and hard work are essential, they're not the sole drivers of elite performance. What truly sets apart the best from the rest? Are you tired of setting goals that fall short? Want to maximize your efforts and achieve lasting results? This article unveils the often-overlooked role of values and goals. Learn how to harness their power to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and achieve lasting success.

In my profession for the last three decades, I have met many Business leaders and important decision-makers. I often tell business leaders to reflect on what truly sets successful companies apart. Is it cutting-edge technology, aggressive marketing strategies, or a brilliant business plan? While these factors certainly contribute, there is another element that is often overlooked but can greatly impact an organization’s bottom line: employee well-being.

The Future of Work: A Human-Centred Approach From Surviving to Thriving: Transforming Your Work Experience